Page 28 - 2018-BMR-April
P. 28

Elevate Your Level of Readiness: A Method for Effective Score Study

            Example 4: Indicating changes in dynamics and phrasing

                                                                                           other directors have the
                                                                                           opportunity to work with
                                                                                           less developed players,
                                                                                           where “pushing the right
                                                                                           button” is more of a
                                                                                           chronic issue. Either way,
                                                                                           we have to determine
                                                                                           the order in which we
                                                                                           need  to  tackle  the  issues
                                                                                           that  are  standing  in  the
                                                                                           way of a superior concert
                                                                                           performance. I encourage
                                                                                           you to put these words
                                                                                           in order in an effort to
                                                                                           determine what you
                                                                                           “tackle” first.
                                                                                             Finally,  after  we
                                                                                           have determined what
                                                                                           musical  challenges  need
                                                                                           to be addressed, we
            Plan Your Work and                  To determine our priorities, rank the      systematically craft and
            Work Your Plan                    words below in order of importance:  successfully execute a rehearsal plan.
              A dear mentor often told me, “…   • Tone Quality                   I contend that 80-90% of the success
            sometimes you have to plan a rehearsal   • Correct Rhythms           we achieve in rehearsal is based on our
            based on musical triage,” and frankly,   • Correct Notes             rehearsal plan. Although the specific
            the less developed the ensemble, the   • Balance & Blend             issues we address in rehearsal change
            truer that is. Anyone who has been   • Intonation                    from  time  to  time,  there  are  a  few
            around an emergency room for a      • Precision                      “essential truths” that should guide our
            while understands that triage involves   • Articulation              daily rehearsal planning.
            treating patients in an order based on   • Dynamics                    First, all plans should be time-based,
            the severity of their condition. Too   • Tempo                       where every minute is accounted for
            often we want to discuss shape and   • Nuance                        in the plan. Class may start at 10:05,
                                                This activity always resonated with  but does that mean Concert F starts
            nuance before the students understand
            rhythms or play accurate pitches. This   me because what I value in rehearsal  at that time? Probably not. Even if we
                                              would change over time. And as I  account for the  five-minute passing
            is the musical equivalent of treating
            a sprained ankle before a compound   get older, some things continue to  period to set up instruments and
                                              change.  Some directors may have a  allot two minutes for personal warm-
            leg fracture. Once we have marked
            our scores and developed a better   highly developed varsity band that  up before Daily Drill, we might be
                                              consistently plays with good tone  starting  Concert  F  at  10:07.  Have
            understanding of the work, we have
            to  determine  what  needs  the  most   quality and musicality, so addressing  we considered if Announcements, the
                                              nuance and shaping can occur  Pledge of Allegiance, or moment of
            attention first in rehearsal.
                                              earlier in the rehearsal process. Many  silent reflection occurs during our

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