Page 31 - 2018-BMR-April
P. 31

                   TO THE SIDE OR
               BETWEEN THE LEGS?                                      Are you
    H                 by Neal Postma                                  a teacher?

            onestly, this is one of the more debated questions  in the
     saxophone  pedagogy world. This is more debated  than brands of
     saxophone to start on, what reed strengths to play on, mouthpiece
     choices, etc. And it draws some very passionate arguments. Here is my
     take and the reasons I have to support them.
       Let’s start with alto sax, the others will be discussed later. More
     important than where you put the saxophone to play is what it does
     with your body as a result. You want the mouthpiece to enter the
     mouth without having to bend your neck to the side, up or down.
     At the same time, your wrists should not be obstructed or resting on   JOIN THE D’ADDARIO
     the leg. Beginner players are generally smaller, so if they put the horn
     between their legs, the lower stack of keys will be too low. As a result,   EDUCATION
     the student will cock their wrist to reach the keys because their leg is
     in the way. For these                                            COLLECTIVE
     students, I have them
     put their horn to
     the side of their leg.                                           Get access to educational
     As a student grows,                                              resources, promotions, product
     their legs get bigger,                                           testing opportunities, a dynamic
     so if they keep the
     saxophone to the                                                 profile page and more. Win gear
     side, the angle gets                                             and other exclusive prizes!
     bigger and bigger.
     Eventually, it will be                                           Visit:
     the point that they
     will need to turn or cock their head to reach the saxophone. At this   JOIN TODAY
     point, they are likely tall enough that they can place it between their
     legs without obstructing the wrist.
       So, in short, I believe that both are used depending on the size of the
     student. Tenor and baritone, however, always to the side! This is not
     disputed like alto. These horns are far too big to put between the legs.

       Saxophonist and pedagogue NEAL POSTMA holds degrees from the University
     of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (MM) and the University of Colorado
     (BM) and is a currently a DMA Candidate at the University of South Carolina
     where he serves as an Instructor of Music Appreciation. He is also on the faculty of
     Claflin University teaching applied lessons on saxophone. As a concert saxophonist
     Neal has performed across the United States, Europe and Asia. He has given recitals
     at universities and various regional, national and international conferences.

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