Page 25 - 2018-BMR-April
P. 25

Elevate Your Level of Readiness: A Method for Effective Score Study

            Known Commodities and Needed Materials             of efficiently digesting the scores we have chosen. With all
              When it comes to score study and score marking, there  our materials accessible, let’s calibrate our mindset for the
            are two known commodities to consider: the time we  important work in front of us.
            have to study and the repertoire. Time, as we have already
                                                               Elevate Your Level of READINESS
            established, is at a premium, which means that we might   “It is not often that a man can make opportunities for
            have to begin our score study in a planning period during
                                                               himself. But he can put himself in such shape that when
            the school day. The first order of business, then, is to define
                                                               or if the opportunities come, he is ready.” —Theodore Roosevelt
            the amount of time needed for the proposed method of
            study. Many music educators operate within two school   We all hope that the magic of making music happens
            schedules: either (1) a seven- or eight-period day with  at some point in every rehearsal, but in reality we never
            40-50-minute periods or (2) a block schedule comprised  know exactly when those moments will occur. That is
            of four one-and-a-half-hour periods, which allows for  why  we  need  to  be ready  at  a  moment’s  notice  with  a
            two 45-minute half-periods per block. For the sake of  thorough understanding of the repertoire in the event
            argument, let’s define one planning period (in either school  that the performers meet us in the rehearsal room with
            schedule) to be 42-45 minutes in length.           the appropriate level of preparation. In those moments,
              Secondly,  Texas’  governing  body  for  interscholastic  we as conductors have the potential to get past the “nuts
            competitions and activities (UIL) defines the eligible  and bolts” of tone development or rhythmic precision and
            repertoire for our annual Concert and Sight-Reading  to  share  with  our  student  musicians  the  beauty  present
            Evaluation at both the middle and high school levels. Also,  in all grade levels of band repertoire. How do we prepare
            a committee of well-respected music educators, selected by  ourselves for those moments? We proceed in this order
            the UIL, determines this repertoire listed on the PML. We  over a 42-45 minute period:
            owe a debt to these fine educators for identifying some of  The R.E.A.D.I.N.E.S.S. Method
            the best repertoire from the copious literature now available   1. Read every word in the score. (5 min.)
            to bands at all levels. Let’s first collect some materials to aid   2. Explore form and structure. (5 min.)
            us in this journey. The materials needed include:     3. Analyze key areas and important cadences. (5-7 min.)
              • Any clean, well-lit, flat surface                 4. Delineate important entrances and emotional arrivals.
              • Straightedge or 12” ruler                           (5 min.)
              • Erasable pencils in black, red, yellow, and blue  5. Indicate  significant changes  in  dynamics  and
              • Music dictionary                                    articulation. (5 min.)
                —Harnsberger, L.C.  Essential Dictionary of Music:   6. Notate and translate challenging rhythmic figures.
                    Pocket Size Book. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Alfred Music,      (5 min.)
                    Pub. 1996. (approx. $7.00)                    7. Evaluate areas that should be addressed early in the
                —Oxford Dictionary of Music as a smartphone app      rehearsal process. (5 min.)
                    (approx. $10.00)                              8. Systematically craft and...
              • Metronome                                         9. ...Successfully prepare the rehearsal plan. (5-7min.)
              • Clock or time keeping device                      In my experience, tackling the question of “Where do I
              • Scores                                         start?” has been one of the initial obstacles of efficient score
              A good smartphone will combine many of these  study. A conductor could start anywhere, but setting out on
            functions. Just make sure you put it in “Airplane Mode” to  our journey with a global view and proceeding to smaller,
            avoid distractions like email and social media. Once you  more specific areas is an effective way of breaking down
            have collected these materials, we can begin the process  scores early in the process.

            Bandmasters Review • April 2018                  23                            Texas Bandmasters Association
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