Page 24 - 2018-BMR-April
P. 24

Elevate Your Level of READINESS:

            A Method for Effective Score Study

            Dr. Brett A. Richardson

            Introduction                        It is an unfortunate reality that  Scratching the Surface
              In preparing for the spring semester,  sometimes these tasks preempt score   Countless methods of score study
            most of us probably spent time  study. While we understand that in  have been described over time and
            browsing through the UIL Prescribed  our current educational climate, these  this approach is not intended to
            Music List (PML), trusty publisher  tasks are not going to disappear, but  supersede ones you deem effective. For
            catalogs, or  our  local print music  we must also  insist on our right as  undergraduate student conductors, I
            provider’s inventory of band scores, all  conductors to prepare curriculum  encourage you to adopt the methods
            in preparation for the UIL Concert and  adequately for our students. Ultimately,  that your  teachers advocate,  making
            Sight-Reading Evaluation or Spring  our repertoire is the curriculum, and  them your tools of choice as you
            Festival season. This kind of research  for our students to achieve success in  begin your career. Glean what you
            is a good thing, a much-needed change  both  rehearsal and  performance,  we  can from the method proposed here
            of pace after the challenges of the first  must develop a clear understanding  and incorporate whatever best fits
            semester of a beginner band year or  of the repertoire before the students  your teaching sensibilities. For more
            taxing marching band season.      play it. Simply put, learning the score  seasoned music educators, you already
              Speaking from experience, the  at the same time as the students is a  have methods of score study and score
            next and necessary step after score  recipe for failure. So, repeat after me:  marking that have worked for you
            selection—score   study—seldom    “The  more  obstacles  I  let  get  in  the  for many years. No need to reinvent
            receives the attention it deserves, a  way of adequate score study, the more  the wheel! My aim is to articulate
            victim of  the  myriad  responsibilities  my students are affected negatively in  the goals of score study and ways  of
            placed on administrators of a  a rehearsal setting.” Put another way,  attaining those objectives when time is
            comprehensive music program. These  when we fail to prepare, we prepare  limited. Furthermore, my hope is that
            responsibilities include:         to fail. In this article I propose an  this technique will give conductors at
              • Parent/teacher conferences    approach to score study, focused on  all levels a chance to reflect, try new
              • E-mails, phone calls, social media,  efficiently digesting the information  methods, or refine existing ones. In all
                and networking obligations, etc.    provided in the score, so that we can  honesty,  this  process,  in  combination
              • Fundraising efforts and trip  maximize the time with our students  with the prescribed time limits, works
                planning                      and get to the art sooner.         best with grade I-III scores because of
              • Collaborative meetings with other                                their relative brevity and accessibility.
                staff members                                                    I have found that using this method
              • Marching show planning                                           provides a good initial understanding
              • Community performances and                                       of pieces of any grade level. Finally, be
                pep rallies                                                      mindful of the following as we begin
              • State-mandated testing activities                                our explanation of the method:
                (tutoring or “pullouts”)                                           1. Every method of score study and
              In reading this list, I am reminded                                score marking is personal.
            of one of John Bogenschutz’s  Tone                                     2. You must mark your scores in
            Deaf comics, showing a music teacher,                                a way that best fits your needs as a
            knees buckling from the weight of                                    conductor and rehearsal technician.
            umpteen hats balanced on his head,                                     3. Finally, however you mark your
            each hat representing a different role.                              scores, each mark must be meaningful,
            The Many Hats of the Band Director by John Bogenschutz               and you must be able to understand it
              (2012) © Tone Deaf Comics. Used with permission.
             Please check out John’s work at              during rehearsal and performance.
            Bandmasters Review • April 2018                  22                            Texas Bandmasters Association
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