Page 7 - 2019 BMR April
P. 7

Normal Struggles of

            Young Band Directors

            George Little, 2018 19 TBA Secretary

              The first few years of band directing   Is it normal to struggle teaching  be for e
            are hard! Many of us come out of  your primary instrument?  Yes! A  they be-
            college firmly believing that our new  common misconception is that  come a readily accessible tool at
            conducting baton coupled with a can-  because we can play our primary  our disposal. No one can remember
            do attitude will change the world. We  instrument well, we will teach it well.  everything. Make a list of needed
            get a lot of good advice about how  I have found the opposite to be true  improvements and focus on improving
            to get our first job like what to wear,  when band directors are first starting  at least one thing per day.
            how to manage our money, how to  out. Playing our primary instrument   A complete list of “normal” struggles
            clean up our social media profiles, etc.  is second nature to the point that we  that are common to young band
            But what comes after our first year of  often struggle to understand why our  directors  could fill an  entire book.
            teaching?                         students struggle. Most directors teach  The  main  thing  to  remember  is  that
              I can distinctly remember the  instruments outside of their primary  if you struggle you are normal. I was
            feelings I had at the end of my first  instrument family with more attention  told once that it takes five years as a
            year of teaching. I was relieved that  to detail because they are figuring  band director before you feel like you
            summer break was just around the  it out as they go. Try teaching your  are coming into your own as a teacher.
            corner and that I wouldn’t have to be  primary instrument with the same  While the five-year mark won’t be
            a first-year teacher again. I was excited  level of detail.          the magic number for everyone,
            at the prospect of being “better” in my   Is it normal to struggle hearing  we must all realize that there is no
            second year than I was in my first.  tuning problems or ensemble sound?  substitute for time. Be patient and try
            Then, the next year I felt like a first-  Yes! Most young teachers struggle to  to improve little by little from year to
            year teacher again in many ways. I was  hear tuning issues, balance, and blend  year. Small improvements add up to
            better at certain aspects of teaching  for several years. This is especially true  big improvements. The willingness
            and classroom management, but my  when you are the one teaching from  to ask for help and persevere through
            students still didn’t play very well  the podium. Try recording your class  frustrations can be the difference
            compared to the top students in the  or have another director teach your  between a quick burnout or a long
            region. I knew how to manage my  students while you walk around and  fulfilling career.
            grade book and enter attendance, but  observe. You will be amazed at how   My final advice? Enjoy your
            I didn’t feel like I was much better  quickly a recording or a guest teacher  summer, get refreshed, go to the TBA
            at teaching my band how to play  will open your ears to different sound  convention, and hit it hard again next
            in  tune.  Now that I  am completing  issues. This is true for band rehearsals,  year.
            my seventeenth year of teaching and  sectionals, and beginner classes.
            have  had the honor of mentoring    Is it normal to forget pedagogical
            several first-year teachers, I can offer  and teaching tricks several years in
            encouragement that there are “normal”  a row? Yes! We have all been frustrated
            struggles band directors experience as  with ourselves when a mentor must
            they complete their first several years  tell us the same thing several different
            of teaching.                      times. However, certain concepts and
                                              skills require numerous reminders

            Bandmasters Review • April 2019                   5                            Texas Bandmasters Association
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