Page 11 - 2018 June BMR
P. 11

Thoughts From Larry Livingston

            Larry Livingston

            SYMBIOSIS                         tell that same group, or better the  A marching band is a mobile outdoor
              As a sophomore music education  entire ensemble, “Every time you have  version of same. When the band
            major, I distinctly recall William  running notes in fast tempo music you  program is built on a central rubric of
            D. Revelli, Director of Bands at the  will tend to rush,” this is a commitment  ear-based understanding, not simple
            University of Michigan, telling us,  to thinking in action. If the French  execution, the students are led to
            “Understand, if you invite me to guest  horns see the dynamic marking, piano,  enlightenment and, thus, power. The
            conduct your high school band, I am  but have thematic content, we may  goal is to teach conceptually rather
            going to want to hear your marching  be inclined to say, “Play louder.” That  than circumstantially, and to do it with
            band  as  well.”  Thus  for  him,  the  request solves the immediate problem  such determination that the band does
            bands, all of them taken as one, were  but does not center on concept. On the  not need you any more.
            the grail. He was really talking about  other hand, if we say, “Dynamics are   TRANSCRIPTIONS
            developing a symbiotic relationship  entirely contextual. How loud or soft   In the old days, bands played
            across the spectrum of one’s work  one plays is guided by the marking,  orchestra transcriptions for two
            as  a  music  educator,  which  for  him  but must also take into account big  reasons. First, because they were
            meant band director. Any modern day  picture factors: Is what I am playing  wonderful music, albeit passed
            thinking which separates the marching  thematic or is it accompanimental? Is  through  the  altering  prism  of
            band, a “non-artistic” entity, from the  it new material? Do I have a moving  bandstrations; and second, because of
            concert band, an “artistic” entity, is the  line? Is my part likely to overwhelm  the paucity of quality band literature.
            antithesis of the Revelli paradigm.  or be lost in the shuffle?” Such input  Now, original music is plentiful,
              The marching  band  can  be  seen  replaces circumstance with a larger  much  of it playable by  high  school
            simply as a servo-mechanism for  notion, asks the student to become  bands. But transcriptions remain a
            entertainment, the vehicle by which  an arbiter, not merely, an executer of  valuable  resource.  Our  students  can
            the community, the administration,  musical decisions; sets the student  grow enormously by working on and
            the parents, and the coaches measure  free to be a stand-alone performer,  studying the music of Tchaikovsky,
            the quality of your program. But in  an active, cogitative participant in the  Shostakovich, Wagner, et al, music
            a holistic model, it carries the same  band.                         the students are likely to hear at
            standards for performance excellence,   Conceptual  teaching  of  musical  concerts. For decades professional
            discipline, and precision that is manifest  ensembles is based  on the  same  bands in Europe have performed
            in the concert band. I ask: Why is the  pedagogical strategy that the math  band arrangements of orchestral
            marching band not also, and primarily,  teacher, the English teacher, and the  masterpieces. We are not committing
            a machine for teaching how music  science teacher invoke every day. They  a crime in doing so with our school
            works, how concepts which inhere in  do so because the goal is long-term  bands, despite pressure to the
            good music-making should apply to  understanding and  application  of  contrary from the polemic of some
            every musical endeavor?           principles, not moment-to-moment  collegiate wind ensemble leaders. We
            CONCEPTUAL TEACHING               hypothesizing. If we wish to set our  are providing a transcendent musical
              If we are to succeed in the quest to  students free to make music for the  experience for our students. Of course,
            instill valid, core concepts of musicing,  rest of their lives, do we not owe them  playing  transcriptions  must  include
            we must ponder the methodology of  a set of “how music works” ideas?  a broader educational objective.
            how we teach. If we tell a clarinet   In the end, music is played by  Students should not only be made
            section,  “Do  not  rush  in  measure  ear. A large concert band is really a  aware of the original orchestra version
            nine,” that is about obedience. If we  chamber music ensemble on steroids.  of each work, they should also be

            Bandmasters Review • June 2018                    9                            Texas Bandmasters Association
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