Page 5 - 2018-BMR-April
P. 5

Collaboration May Be The Best
          Texas Bandmasters
                 2017-18             Thing We Model For Our Students
           Board of Directors
                                     Phillip Clements, 2017 18 TBA Vice President
               Chico Portillo
               1412 Tamar Lane         When you think about the complexity  open to suggestion?
               Austin, TX 78727
                512-796-9596         of music making in an ensemble setting  What we work so
    there are many variables that must align in  diligently each
                                     order for the desired product or outcome  day  in rehearsal
              John Morrison
                President Elect      to be successful. Each participant has to  to achieve is very
             Cypress-Fairbanks ISD   be able to perform their part correctly and  much a microcosm
           10300 Jones Road, Suite 724  concurrently while being sensitive to the  of the way we
              Houston, TX 77065
                281-897-4042         ever-changing musical landscape of tempo,  would all like the
     dynamics, balance, style and intonation.  world to work.

              Phillip Clements       When you consider all that is taking place, it   Often we foster
                Vice President       is staggering to think that ensemble playing is  good relationships with those closest to
         Texas A&M University-Commerce  even possible. Whether it is a large ensemble  us but do not expend the same energy in
                P.O. Box 3011
             Commerce, TX 75429      or chamber group, it is actually the highest  collaboration  with  those  further  removed
                903-886-5285         form of collaboration.                 from our daily teaching. I am fortunate
    Collaboration is defined as  the action of  to have wonderful colleagues within our
             Roland Sandoval         working with someone to produce or create  Department of Music, both instrumental
                  Treasurer          something and is used often in varying  and vocal. We often work side by side on a
             O’Connor High School    scenarios. When we are most effective as  number of musical endeavors and projects
               12221 Leslie Road
               Helotes, TX 78023     teachers, we collaborate on a daily basis with  within the department. Over the years, we
                210-397-4758         many different groups of people: students,  have  begun  to  notice  that  our  students
                                     faculty, support staff, parents; the list goes on.  within the instrumental and vocal areas have
               Daniel Allen            In rehearsal, we are constantly collaborating  developed strong relationships and do the
                  Secretary          with our students and helping them to  same. They see this collaboration modeled
              Franklin High School
                900 N. Resler        collaborate with us and with each other.  for them every day and it is intentional
               El Paso, TX 79912     Teaching techniques such  as  questioning  on our parts. With more than eighty-five
                915-236-2266         and directing listening are basic forms  percent of our students majoring in music
                                     of collaboration. As we ask our students  education, we are hopeful that they have
               George Little         to  collaborate,  it  is  vital  that  we  model  learned collaboration and will carry this level
               Sergeant-at-Arms      collaboration  for  them  both  in  and  out  of  of cooperation into their own careers and to
              Lufkin High School
            309 South Medford Drive  rehearsal. Yes, we are teaching students  their future colleagues and students.
               Lufkin, TX 75901      about music and music making, but we are   As with any cultural change, you
      also  teaching  them  to  become  cooperative  have to be intentional and to define
                                     adults, employees and human beings.    what you want the outcome to be.  Take
                 Jeff King             Give  some  thought  to  what  you  the time to discuss collaboration with
                Past President       demonstrate each day for your students  your students and how it functions in the
                  Irving ISD
            2621 W. Airport Freeway  outside of rehearsal. Do you show cooperation  rehearsal environment. Model collaboration
               Irving, TX 75062      with other staff members, other members of  for them in and outside of the rehearsal. Seek
      the fine arts area, and other teachers within  opportunities to collaborate within your fine
                                     your school? Even when you disagree? Are  arts area and make sure that you discuss with
             Michael Brashear        you showing them how to effectively and  your students how important it is to work
              Executive Director
          Texas Bandmasters Association   maturely solve problems? Now ask yourself  together toward a common goal. You may
           1002 Central Parkway South  this: do you ask those things of them in  soon find that you seek more collaborative
             San Antonio, TX 78232   rehearsal? Do you ask them to be selfless  opportunities and I’m willing to bet you may
  and cooperative; engaged and understanding   also notice your students doing the same.
                                     of the bigger picture; compromising and

            Bandmasters Review • April 2018                   3                            Texas Bandmasters Association
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