Bandmasters Review - September 2019

Texas Bandmasters Association Bandmasters Review • September 2019 10 thoughts on teaching that propel us forward. Negative behavior tends to weigh us down and wear us out. We Must Adapt When you mentor a new teacher, you will learn that one size does not fit all. During my experiences as a mentor teacher, many different personalities have emerged from my mentees. I find that I must adapt my mentoring style based on each person’s needs and willingness to grow. Here are a few of the most common personality traits of those I have mentored. (I encourage new teachers reading this article to examine themselves as they read. This could be enlightening.) Some teachers want you to see only certain aspects of the music program and might limit what is accomplished during a rehearsal, hoping for only the best aspects of their teaching to be revealed. As in any relationship, trust is a huge factor, and in this instance a mentor must, over time, build trust, gently and sincerely. It will take patience and time, but it is well worth it. Other teachers, when being encouraged to try something new might respond, “Yeah, I tried that, but it didn’t work!” These teachers often seem fixed on their methods and have difficulty developing a growth mindset. An effective way to mentor these individuals is to ask a series of leading questions that direct the mentee to arrive at their own conclusions. This process can be powerful in that it gives a sense of ownership to the teacher. Although this personality may seem to have all the answers, there may come a time when they confess, they need your help. At this moment a door has opened for the mentor—rush in! Finally, there are the new teachers who just happen to be my favorites! They want to know anything and everything to help them be better teachers for their students and better leaders for their program. A mentor can be brutally honest with these teachers and assist in providing a clear and direct path for growth. It is the fastest way up the mountain. A mentor has great liberty with these teachers, so in the moments where criticism is needed, be sure the information you offer is demonstrable, not personally hurtful. Always leave your mentee with a sense of hope. Classroom Management/Rehearsal Techniques Quite often an inexperienced teacher’s classroom strategy is based on the idea that once the students are able to behave, only then can they be properly taught. I encourage teachers to just start teaching! The quality of the instructional content, coupled with an inspired delivery, is directly proportionate to the level of interest and excitement experienced by the students. We teach music—one of the most exciting subjects on the planet! Ideally, our curriculum has built-in classroom management. With a toolbox full of information and a teacher’s passion, it is possible for even the less experienced teacher to successfully motivate and inspire their students. Pedagogy A teacher’s most powerful tool in the classroom is information. Information makes a teacher the expert in the room. Do everything possible to learn about the instruments you teach and the ensembles you prepare. For those I mentor, that means showing up for every pedagogical growth opportunity. Attend conferences, take lessons, observe others, read articles, watch videos, ask questions—these are imperative if you hope to acquire the knowledge and skills to become the teacher your kids deserve. Professionalism The world of teaching requires that we be on our best behavior. We distinguish ourselves as professionals by our choices of attire and language and by the respect shown for our students, parents, and colleagues. A true professional shows up on time, prepared, and excited to teach each Mentors Help Lead the Way to Success A good mentor knows when to save a mentee from themselves and when to let them be. A true professional shows up on time, prepared, and excited to teach each day... these behaviors make the world of teaching much more comfortable and satisfying. One of the most important skills necessary for any teacher is the ability to successfully communicate in an appropriate manner.