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Texas Bandmasters Association
Bandmasters Review • September 2013
Randy T. Gi lmore, Owner/President , Marching Show Concepts, Inc.
Making an Impact!
For me, the beginning of a new
school year is always a time for
course correction and pinpointing
what it is that I want to create
and accomplish over the coming
year on a professional as well as
on a personal level. We all know
that nothing will change in our
world until we assume the personal
responsibility required to change.
The world is a mirror: we get from
life not what we want but who
we are. As you look to yourself,
explore your most authentic values,
articulate what you want to make of
life and then set about manifesting
these outcomes while creating
value for the people around you.
I also believe that it is important
to remember that there are many
metrics by which you can measure
success. It is very easy to fall into
the trap of measuring the success
you experienced in the 2012-13
school year by how many awards
you received, how many new
students you acquired, how much
money you made and so on. If
you perceive others having more
or accomplishing more, it is likely
that you will feel unsuccessful.
The economics or some level of
reward is only one of many forms
of success. While there is nothing
wrong with these as they certainly
increase the choices available to
us, other benchmarks of genuine
success must also be considered
as you evaluate how you did this
past year and as you look to the
new school year. Here are a few
additional metrics of success to
1. Experience an evolut ionary
What kinds of experiences
will you have or create this year?
How will you evolve as a person?
Your 2013-14 school year should
offer numerous experiences and
opportunities for added richness,
depth and wisdom to your life!
2. Adventure!
What kinds of adventures will
you engage in through the course
of the year? Will you travel? Will
you try new things, new ways of
teaching? Will you step out of your
comfort zone? Will you find a new
venue for your program that helps
your students to grow and have
a better educational experience?
Measure your success in part, on
the amount of adventures that you
provide and experience.
3. Relat ionship and reputat ion!
No matter how many rewards,
trophies or money one makes, if
you lack community and love in
your life, I do not believe that you
will experience genuine success.
If you truly want to win with
people, you need to make them
. Cheer your students
on, bring them joy everyday and
acknowledge them for who they
are. These are key to helping
everyone feel a sense of community,
respect and love! Ask yourself what
the community around you and
your network looks like. Reflect on
the quality of your reputation.
4. Fun!
The human brain craves novelty.
We are happiest when we are
growing. In 2013-14 what will you
do for fun!? Will you chase your
passions and do the things you
love to do? This too is an important
measurement of success.
5. Impact !
Greatness comes by beginning
something that does not end
with you and living for a cause
larger than yourself. To have made
a difference in the lives of the
students around you is to have
Here’s to a
Great You
and your
best year yet. I challenge you to
create more value than you have
ever created for those around you.
Make it a
Great Year!
Randy T. Gilmore served ten years
as a nationally recognized high school
band director and assistant marching
band director at West Chester University.
For over 20 years Randy has developed
Marching Show Concepts as a nationally
known company for quality marching
band products and exceptional one-to-one
services. Randy exemplifes an expertise
and standard of excellence that is well
known and respected throughout the music
industry. He is an accomplished clinician,
adjudicator and drill designer who continues
to display his talents in the MSC collection of
products and services.