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Texas Bandmasters Association
Bandmasters Review • December 2013
Randy T. Gi lmore, Owner/President , Marching Show Concepts, Inc.
What Does Success Mean To You?
Is it Winning the First Place
Trophy or Sweepstakes award?
Obtaining an excellent Rating?
Winning the Visual Caption?
Watching the 8
grade student
march the entire show in step?
100% Participation through
“No-pass, No- Play? 75% retention
into the High School Band? Creating
a positive learning experience of
always doing your Best?
If there was one word that
defines success, it would be
attitude. Attitude is defined as the
way you dedicate yourself to the
way you THINK. Your thoughts
can be positive, neutral, negative or
imbalanced - and you choose them.
You choose the way you think, the
way you speak, and the actions you
take. Positive, neutral, or negative.
Here are several specific attitude
elements and insights that may help
you better understand and maintain
your positive attitude during those
situations, opportunities, and
moments when it counts:
Value First Attitude.
When you take away the 1st
Place rating, the student truly
only wants to feel valued! Are you
thinking about how you can bring
value to others BEFORE you set
your goals?
Can-Do Attitude.
You’re challenged to get a project
done or make that big performance.
Do you believe you can do it
BEFORE you attempt it?
Relationship Attitude.
Do you know it’s more than a
rating? It’s creating a long-term,
value driven association with your
students. Is your mind set on
what you can do to build those
Winning Attitude.
Do you think about AND believe
you are a winner BEFORE you win?
Service Attitude.
To serve is to rule. Are you
thinking, “How can I be my BEST
at serving others?”
Success Attitude.
Everyone strives for success in
his or her own way. A huge part of
success is believing that you WILL
achieve it. Do you dedicate time
thinking about your “success” and
what that really means to you?
Fulfillment Attitude.
Fulfillment is a level beyond
success. It arrives after you have
achieved beyond your dreams
and your expectation, and are
at peace with your life and your
relationships. You may not be
fulfilled at the moment, very few
people are. But you must think
and BELIEVE that fulfillment is
A single decision, made today,
can change your future. The
program you now have is not
necessarily the program you will
have in a year or two years or in a
decade. And you truly can change
it all with a decision. A decision
to create a balanced attitude. A
decision to be more disciplined
(it starts small). A decision to be
a source of positive energy and
inspiration to your students. A
decision to show leadership rather
than play victim. A decision to
beat your fears or weaknesses. A
decision to shine!
It is easy to get discouraged
as you reach for your determined
level of “Success.” It’s natural to face
disappointments and a seemingly
endless stream of challenges. That’s
just life’s way of helping you grow
and detecting your commitment.
The best wins always appear after
the biggest tests. Always! “Success,”
whatever that means to you, is no
accident. And it’s easy to forget that
successful people didn’t start that
way. They started off ordinary--with
a dream, a plan and goals. Then
they made daily 1% improvements.
The days slipped into weeks, the
weeks slipped into months and the
months slipped into years. Their
dream grew and became real. Yet
the first, and most powerful step,
took place in their minds.
Having success and getting to your
“best” requires that you act and pas-
sionately make bold strides. No one
has ever reached his or her success
level just by hoping it would hap-
pen. Hope is important. Add focus,
persistence and, above all else, action
and great things begin to happen.
Here’s to a “Successful” year!