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Texas Bandmasters Association
Bandmasters Review • September 2012
The 2012 Convention/Clinic is in the books and I
have many people to thank for their efforts to make
our time in San Antonio such a success. It is one of the
greatest assets of our profession that we gather together
as band directors to become better teachers. I cannot
think of many other professions where colleagues
who sometimes compete with each other
also freely give away their tricks of the
trade. We do this just because we all
feel that every child in Texas deserves
our best. So, I am grateful for all of you
who shared your advice this summer
as a session presenter. Our profession
benefits when you share your experience
at the TBA Convention/Clinic.
Many thanks also go to the people
who helped put on the convention. It
was my great pleasure to work with Executive Director
Mike Brashear and his staff who spent the year preparing
the best convention possible. Also, I need to thank my
wife Shelley who worked hard to create some new
venues for the spouse’s division. And I know that the
Board of Directors joins me in thanking Frank Troyka
for his work on the Student Day and Brian Merrill for
his work on the TBA Academy.
There were many musicians who performed for us
this year, all the way from a beginner trombone player
to “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band.
Each of these people helped make a great experience
for all of us. Thank you for helping to get our year off
to a great start.
I have had a great time over the last five years getting
to know our new TBA president Alfredo Vélez III. Fred
has taught in Texas for over 30 years in both public
school and at the college level. He has worked in the
Metroplex, the Valley, and now in the Houston area. His
experiences will help him to represent all of us when he
is preparing for next summer’s convention.
I’m going to take this last opportunity to share with
you some ideas of what I think is important for all of
us. Being a well-trained musician and an organized
administrator of your program will always remain on
the top of this list; however, what may be harder to see
is the importance of the quality of character.
Be a role model to teachers on your campus.
Be involved, not only does this help your program
by being included in campus-wide decisions, but
it presents a good face to your band
program in general. Be a team player.
Be a ro l e mode l i n your
pro f ess i on .
Volunteer to help with
region band. Don’t gossip about others
and their programs. Attend TBA and
TMEA conventions and encourage
young directors to attend as well.
Be a ro l e mode l i n your
commun i ty .
When I was a young
teacher I knew this was important, but
when I became a parent of teenagers I really understood
just how much parents talk about their kid’s teachers,
especially band directors and coaches. Parents speak
well of teachers who inspire their children. Winning
is important, but parents want their kids to love
music and have a great day at school.
Be a role model to your students.
Be very
deliberate about the environment in your band
hall. Treat kids well and find opportunities to be
encouraging and complimentary. When your students
feel safe and happy studies show they actually learn
and perform better. Students who are excited about
band will communicate it to their parents, siblings and
friends. Always remember you are not just teaching
music, you are also teaching kids. We are some of the
only adults many students see year after year and for
them, that makes us very special in their lives.
My wife Shelley and I want to thank you for the
opportunity to serve on the TBA board. We appreciate
your support and confidence and we hope that
not only did you find the 2012 Convention/Clinic
beneficial, but that you had a good time as well. I look
forward to serving this last year and seeing all of you
in San Antonio this next summer.
From the Board
Tom Harrington, 2012- 13 TBA Past President